Of course Izzy, also needed a new skirt. So I made her one of these Market Skirts from Made. These are also very easy and she gives instructions for any size.
Obviously I am not very good at paying attention to instructions because to tell you the truth, I originally made both of these skirts for McKinley but the first one ended up too short and the second one was a little long! I guess I should learn to measure twice and cut once. The third times the charm and so maybe the next one I make will actually fit McKinley. This second skirt I gave to my cute 1 year old niece, Ava. Both skirts fit perfect. If only I took a picture of them in it!
The last little project I like to do is buy the plain white, waffle knit towels from Walmart for a few bucks and add strips of fabric to them to match my kitchen. It's really easy and I think it makes them much cuter. I saw the idea from HERE and HERE. The one below I made for my mom for Mother's day.
This one I made for my Grandma for Christmas. I also made one for my mother-in-law for Christmas but didn't take a picture.
I confess, I am a scrap fabric hoarder and this is the perfect project to use up all those ridiculously tiny pieces of fabric that I can't seem to throw away! I was going to share some other "fun stuff" but this is getting too long so maybe another day.
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