Sunday, February 6, 2011

New Skirt For The Munchkin

 McKinley has needed new clothes for church for a long time but I haven't ever gotten around to it until now.  I made this cute skirt using this tutorial from Sewing In No Man's Land and then I also made a headband to match.
 I must say I love it!  Sorry, there will be no cute posed pictures.  I had to give Kin bribes just to get her to hold still for half a second and I certainly wasn't going to go outside in this freezing weather, so just imagine you see a beautiful field behind her or something. :0)
 The bribes only kind of worked!  Do you see her cheeks are full of goldfish crackers in each picture!
I don't know how people get in focus pictures of toddlers.  This girl is wild.  This is as still as I could get her and it's only because she would drop a cracker and pause to look for it.

The skirt has a high waist, although it doesn't look like it in my pictures because the waist was folded over.  Kelly also gives the pattern for an adult size and I'm tempted to make one for myself.  Go check it out!  I'll be linking to some of these places.


  1. I was wondering if you could do a quick tutorial on how you made that head band! I love it!!

  2. Thank you Brooke! Those headbands are actually one of two things I don't share how to make because I actually sell them. I'm sorry, I feel bad. I'll have to do a giveaway or something soon to make it up to you. I'm sure you would have great chances since I'm not a "big blog". :0) I'm so glad you like it though.

  3. SO CUTE! I saw the original post and you did such an amazing job!

  4. I love this and will be making it soon!!!! Thank you, brooke
    This was a great post!!! I am your newest follower and hope that you will come be a follower at my blog!!! brooke
    Girl Boy Girl Inspired

  5. This skirt is beautiful!! And your daughter is a cutie! ;)

  6. Oh my gosh! This is SO adorable! If only I had a little girl ~ sigh. Thanks for sharing, stop by and say HI sometime!

  7. Gorgeous! I love the fabric, it's so pretty :)

  8. OMG how cute is she!!! I love the fabric you used in the skirt. Thanks for the link! I have to little nieces to make these for. I wish my daughter would wear stuff like this. *sigh* they grow up so fast!

  9. Very cute! I saw your link at Tatertots and Jello, and I'm enjoying looking around your blog :)

  10. What an adorable skirt! I love the "grown-up" fabric for a little girl - very fancy. I can't get very good pics of my 14 month old. When she sees the camera, she wants to come to me. Bribes definitely help!!! hehehe

  11. So stinkin' cute!! I love the fabric - where did you get it?

  12. Love the print on that skirt, it turned out so cute!

  13. Thanks everybody and Mallory, I think the fabric came from Hobby Lobby but I don't really remember for sure.

  14. I am in love with that print. The skirt looks adorable.


  15. I love this! I saw that you made this skirt from the original tute and am wondering how I make the skirt part. I don't have a pattern for a skirt.... hmmm. Yours is darling!


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