Monday, February 7, 2011

Bountiful Baskets

I'm sure most of you have heard of Bountiful Baskets if you live in a state where it's offered (check out their site to see if it's available in your area) but I had to let everyone know about it in case you haven't or in case you forgot that it exists like I did. ;0)  It is ran by volunteers where you get a ton of fresh fruit and veggies for just $15.  Look what I got this week...

Yummy!  That is a ton of fresh produce for not much moo-la people.  They claim it saves you $35.00 if you were to buy all that produce at the grocery store which I think is stretching it a bit, but I am also cheap and don't usually buy things unless they're a good price.

This was the first time I've actually ordered.  I've been meaning to order for months but I never remember until it's too late.  I must say I am really happy with what I got.  My only complaint is that the entire bag of clementines I was given were too ripe but I'm sure that must not always be the case otherwise people would stop ordering and the program wouldn't still be around after all this time.

I think this will be a great way for my family to make sure we eat all our fruits and veggies because I hate wasting food and for that matter money too so I know we'll be motivated to get it all eaten!  I think I forget just how many fruits and vegetables we should be consuming.  For a 2000 calorie diet (according to the USDA), it is 2 1/2 cups vegetables and 2 cups fruit consumed each and every day!

  I think this will also be a nice way to plan out meals for the week.  You don't get to pick what you get so it's a surprise, but it's always 50% fruit and 50% vegetables.  Because of this I will be planning out my meals for the week on Saturday, the day you pick up your food.

I made a salad yesterday with the strawberries and spinach I got.  The best part is it was super simple!  I'll share the recipe with you tomorrow.
Bountiful Baskets only take orders on Mondays starting at noon until Tuesday at 10:00 pm so you have a few hours left if you want to order this week, so order quick!  Okay enough blabbing.  Until tomorrow.


  1. Mmm ... strawberries & spinach. Sounds delicious!

  2. My little oranges were awful, too. You should try the 9 grain bread! That's pretty why I get a Bountiful Basket, it's SO good!

  3. I did get the bread and I loved it! Especially as toast. Yummy!


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