Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Button Earrings

Sorry I've been M.I.A. lately.  I had a baby with double ear infections and a screaming hot fever that wouldn't go away.   Once she was better, we went off to play for the week up north to see my family.  Don't worry though.  Whenever the girls in the family get together you know there is some crafting going on so I'll show you what we were up to.

Jo-Ann's had all there buttons buy one get one free plus 10% off your purchase so I snatched some up to make some button earrings for super cheap.  I saw the idea at Trey and Lucy.  This has to be the easiest "craft" ever!  I think it took less than 2 minutes to do the whole thing so I don't know how much that counts as being "crafty".

I just took my wire/metal cutters  (I don't even know what the tool is called but at least I know how to use it!) and snapped off the back of the buttons and glued the button with some E6000 to earring posts.  You can also use hot glue I was just being impatient and didn't want to bother waiting for the glue to heat up.

And there you go!  Here is my "modeling" pose for you and in case you are wondering, yes my skin is that white all year round! ;0)  I also bought some huge buttons to make some rings but haven't put them together yet.  I'll have to show you some time.

I'll be linking to some of these places check them out for more fun ideas.


  1. These are adorable! And yes, they are called wire cutters hehe. Great idea!! :)

    PS- I'm doing my first every giveaway on my blog and I'd love for you to stop by and enter! Check it out: http://mygirlishwhims.blogspot.com/2011/02/my-first-giveaway-and-introducing-your.html

  2. Great idea! I forgot to use that 10% off coupon at Joann...grrr.

    Hope you are better...

  3. Those are so cute! I'm featuring them tomorrow over at womenwhodoitall.blogspot.com

    :) Jill

  4. love these! i always wear simple, stud earrings - definitely want to give these a try.


  5. I love this... i did something similar and made a ring!!! If you want to join... we are having a party over at my blog... hope to see you there! http://www.bubblynaturecreations.com/2011/03/project-party-weekend-5-ways-to-re.html

  6. Wow what a neat idea! My daughter would love a pair like yours!

  7. Very cute!


  8. these are so pretty. hope the baby is feeling better.


  9. No way! This is a FANTASTIC project. Great idea! There are two things I have not ventured into and that's jewelry and cakes lol. I would be delighted if you would link this to my VIP party today! http://designergarden.blogspot.com/2011/03/vip-party-6.html


  10. Thanks for the tip with the tile necklaces. I ordered a bunch of supplies from Etsy and can't wait to make them! I also did this fabulous "craft" over the weekend and love them! Keep the great ideas coming!

  11. Mallory,
    I'm glad you're making some. They got kind of addicting to make because they came together so quick. I ended up thinking I needed one in every color! ;0)

    I'm glad you made the earrings too! I love mine. I just wish I bought nicer earring posts. I bought the cheapest kind they had and they make my ears go crazy with sensitivity! I can only stand to wear them a couple of hours at a time.

  12. We must be virtual twins! I also find that I feel the need to have something in every color when they are so fabulous! I'm finding that to be true with the earrings. I bought cheap posts at JoAnn and they bug one ear, but not the other. I'm convinced it's my ear and not the post haha.

  13. Mallory,
    He he...great minds think alike right?

  14. Earrings made with buttons can be so unique. It is fun to use buttons to make matching pins or necklaces too.

  15. super fun stuff! I love it! I will link your blog on mine so I can keep up on you! I love the earings..... and the skirt you made! Love it all!

  16. Hey there :)

    I stumbled across your blog while searching for something and realized...hey! You live in Cedar, right? You look super familiar and I don't know if we've met or I've just passed you in Wal-mart or storytime at the library a 100 times.

    Or maybe I'm crazy. And you live in Oklahoma....

    Well, anyways...love the earrings, love your blog!

  17. YES! I'm so glad you told me where I know you from. That would have bugged for ages.

    Thanks! :)


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